

Are your lashes thinning over time? LATISSE® is an FDA-approved treatment to grow eyelashes for people with inadequate or not enough lashes!

Schedule your Latisse Consultation

San Diego Latisse Provider

Latisse is the first FDA-approved treatment for inadequate or not enough lashes. And it is available at Synerchi Medical Spa!

Get thicker lashes

For the majority of patients, LATISSE® grows their lashes gradually over time with some people beginning to see longer lashes in about four weeks, with full growth at 16 weeks.

• 25% increase in lash length (vs. 2% for vehicle)
• 106% increase in lash thickness/fullness (vs. 12% for vehicle)
• 18% increase in lash darkness (vs. 3% for vehicle)

latisse is available in san diego at synerchi med spa
Image courtesy of Latisse

Latisse is also part of the Allē loyalty program

Earn points on Botox, Juvederm, and Latisse, and redeem them at Synerchi Med Spa.

Schedule a consultation or ask about it at your next treatment!