
AnteAge MD Hair Restoration Treatment

Synerchi is now offering this microneedling treatment with growth factors for hair restoration.

What is AnteAge MD Hair Restoration treatment?

AnteAge MD hair solution is a specialized unique hair solution that utilizes bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells that are produced with conditioned media with twelve bio-identical growth factors and cytokines. Each have proven efficacy in hair follicle stimulation.

Request an AnteAge MD consultation

Call or text 858-272-9564

How does it work?

Bone marrow, stem cells and cytokines have been studied for years to produce growth factors. These growth factors help bio-signal release to the hair follicular to replicate and regenerate. It increases the communication of the follicles for hair growth.

4 weeks after 1 round of AnteAge hair restoration at Synerchi Med Spa in San Diego
4 weeks after 1 round of AnteAge hair restoration at Synerchi Med Spa in San Diego

What does it treat?

This treatment is specifically designed and studied for hair growth and hair regeneration.

Recommended Treatments:

3-6 treatments, 4-6 weeks apart
6+ treatments may be needed for hair regrowth.


Discontinue blood thinning products 1 week prior to treatment (ASA, ibuprofen, supplements). Scalp must be completely clean prior to treatment (washed the day of). Numbing cream will be applied to treatment area if desired for about 15 minutes.


Expect a little redness, tenderness, swelling, and possible bruising. Apply ice if any discomfort is noted post-treatment. Avoid strenuous activity for 24 hours. An in-depth post-treatment handout will be given the day of procedure.

Who can do AnteAge MD Hair Restoration Treatment?

This treatment is not for available for those currently taking antibiotics, with recent or upcoming dental procedures, or recent or upcoming vaccinations. You must wait at least 3-4 after a fever or illness to begin or resume the treatment. You must wait one month after corticosteroids use. The treatment is not recommended for those with a history of severe liver disease or low platelet count.


Platelet Rich Plasma